M50 Garage Re-roof


Dismantling and removal of an existing roof and replacement with a full new Kingspan roofing system.



Civil & Structural Engineer

Punch Consulting

Quantity Surveyor





The project comprised dismantling and removal of the existing roof to the DAA M50 Garage building and replacement with a full new Kingspan roofing system.

The works to the fully occupied building involved sequencing of the works to maintain partial operation of the M50 Garage facility. The works generally consisted of removal of the suspended ceiling panels and grid, isolation and rationalisation of services in the suspended ceiling space and sequenced replacement of the existing roof system with a new insulated metal system.

This works required removal of roof panels & removal of obsolete existing purlins, retention of existing purlins providing support to services, installation of new purlins and associated ties, installation of insulated roof panels and translucent panels, installation of roof safety systems by nominated subcontractor, installation of passive roof vents, reinstatement/replacement of gutters, removal and replacement of existing suspended light fittings in the main garage, installation of interface between new roof and existing wall panels.

The project effectively protected the whole of the works and garage facilities from inclement weather, and included providing and fixing temporary coverings, screens and rainwater disposal systems. The provision of temporary welfare and alternative office facilities was required to facilitate seamless sequencing of the works.

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