Design and Build
Collen has in-house expertise and knowledge, this combined with fully aligned design partner relationships, ensures our capability to deliver Design Build Services.
The increasing complexities of building solutions and the requirement for specialist sub-contractor design input, overseen by Collen, requires integrated design build management capability. This approach is crucial to the successful and timely delivery of Collen's projects on behalf of its clients.
Contractor led design and delivery brings together design discipline skills, constructability input, and specialist sub-contractor experience and bespoke technical knowledge. This ensures collaborative and integrated design to procurement and execution alignment. Once combined with early contractor engagement, this process mitigates risks and gives certainty of quality and schedule.
Our Capabilities
In-house Design Management Team
In-house Design Management Team
Collen has an in-house established design-led team with PCSA & pre-construction capability. This is aligned with commercial, procurement and site delivery teams managing sub-contractor supply chain integration.
Pre-construction Services
Pre-construction Services
Collen's pre-construction team work collaboratively with design disciplines to bring constructability and Value Engineering to projects. This is achieved by the earliest possible contractor input to the design process.
Design Partner Relationships
Design Partner Relationships
Collen has sector specific design partnerships to ensure best-placed design development and delivery services on projects. Collen is experienced in working collaboratively with novated designers and understands the requirements of Client-led design approval processes.
Turn-key Services
Turn-key Services
The design and build approach means certainty of a comprehensive and fully managed turn-key service. Commercial, risk and schedule management is fully leveraged by Collen ensuring excellence in project delivery.